Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lilly's Six Month

Welcome Back Lilliana.
This is one beautiful baby girl!
Even though Lilly was a little under the
weather today, I think we still managed to
get some good photos of her. She is full
of personality and sweetness, and that
came through today in her photos.
Thanks again for bringing her,
Ryan & Jessica!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Three's a Charm !

Meet the Santamaria Family.
What a lovely and easy family to shoot.
The girls are beautiful and so well-mannered.
All I could think about after the shoot, was what
out-of-control monkeys my boys are!
But..... wait.
They have a boy coming in October!
you never know what the future holds...
Something tells me they have nothing to
worry about. Thank you so much to Vince
and Lisa for making the trip to see me for
your pregnancy photos. Can't wait for you to
see the rest!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Great Expectations

Kelly and John are expecting
their first baby (a girl!) in about
6 weeks. They are very excited and
I'm jealous of anyone who gets to have a girl!
The good news is, you will get to meet her right
here on this blog. They are coming back for
a newborn session. ( Sssshh, don't tell Kelly about
all the adorable little girl hats I have) I forgot to show her.
A big thank you to Kelly and John for coming all
the way from Port Orange to see me. We had a terrific shoot!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Still cute as ever.

Meet my friends and clients of seven years, Lucy
and Hayden. Aren't they too cute? The easiest kids ever to
shoot, because with their mom and dad's help, they laugh
the entire time. Now living in Great Britian, I was so lucky to
see them this fall for a quick shoot in Downtown Sanford.
Thank you SO MUCH Betsy, for calling and taking
the time for some portraits!
Hope to see you again soon...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Adam Safford

A great big thank you to Lisa for bringing her son, Adam
to me for his comp card photos. We dodged the rain and
had a lot of fun getting some great shots of Adam.
This young man has everything he needs to start a
successful modeling career. Incredible face structure,
a perfect smile, and a surfer's body to top it off!
(plus he's a really nice guy!)
Now, girls.....don't be calling me for his number,
because I don't have it!
( but I can give you his mother's!)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

7 weeks to go !

I was so happy and excited to photograph Stephanie
for her pregnancy shoot ! This girl is the perfect definition
of the ideal client! She was should've
see her breaking rules at Gemini Springs...not scared of
anything (well, I won't mention the frogs) Willing
to try & creative enough to do anything. I really
could've shot with her all day. As it was, our pregnancy
shoot lasted almost three hours! And I have to mention
her wonderful boyfriend Ian, who she surprised with a trip
into my tub! He was a gentleman and a real trooper.
A BIG thank you to both of you, and I really hope
I get to meet Cameron when he arrives!